July 6, 2002
To: All Labour Organization, Friends and Family of Mansoor Hakmat
Please accept my deepest and warmest sympathy for the immeasurable loss. The loss of Mansoor Hakmat, the founder of Worker-communist Party of Iran and Iraq; The writer of “A better World” the manifesto of the Worker-communist Party of Iran, will have an eminent effect on the labour movement. Labour movement has certainly lost its great thinker.
Mansoor Hakmat inspired us to believe in Socialism once again. His real mission in life was to create a new society without classes and exploitation.
He appreciated life immensely and through his work and the structure of different organizations, he managed to touch and save the lives of many people. Mansoor Hakmat initiated “ the International Federation of Iranian Refugees and Immigrant” an organization which fought and protected the rights of refugees and made the process of integration as easy as possible. This organization has offices in most of the big cities in different countries. He was also significant in initiating the “International Campaign for the Defence of Women’s Rights in Iran”; this Campaign is fighting to gain universal rights for women. One of its aims is to abolish stoning to death and compulsory Hejab (Veil). Mansoor Hakmat was also involved in establishing “children first”.
His work and his criticism had great impact on all organizations. In some organizations, radical change was noticeable.
Mansoor Hakmate died beloved by millions of fellow workers in Iran and across the world. Even his enemies respected him despite his opponents.
It is with sorrow that we say good bye to Mansoor Hakmat; however, with great enthusiasm that we remember him.
Long lives socialism!
Long lives Mansoor Hakmat!
Homa Arjomand