Ms. Homa Arjomand a community counsellor in Toronto launches her "International Campaign Against Sharia Courts in Canada" at the Oriole Community Centre, 2975 Don Mills Rd. Toronto, on June 26th, 2004. (Photo: Robert Simpson)
A Report on June 26 public meeting, By Robert Simpson
Toronto, Canada, June 26, 2004 - Ms. Homa Arjomand who escaped Iran in 1989 on horseback through the mountains, claims that Iran is sponsoring the spread of Sharia in Canada and around the world.
Homa's campaign against Sharia law is primarily to protect the rights of women and children in Canada. The group is challenging the 1991, Ontario Arbitration Act that encourages legal pluralism. The arbitration act permits Catholic, Jewish, Muslim and Native communities to use their religious laws to mediate family and community disputes.
From her counselling experience, Homa explained that the cultural pressures and limited English language skills of women and children living in isolated religious communities discourages them from knowing, understanding and using their rights as protected in the Canadian Charter. She believes the Ontario government's endorsement of Sharia law will enable religious leaders to further isolate the vulnerable and therefore increase the number of victims of physical and emotional abuse .
June 25/04
From: Martins, Mabel To: 'Homa Arjmand'
Sent: Thursday, June 24, 2004 10:17 AM
Subject: RE: Request for meeting
Hi Homa
Thanks for the invitation to Minister Pupatello for the public meeting on June 26th. Unfortunately, she is not able to attend. Thanks
Mabel Martins Scheduling Assistant Office of the Minister of Community and Social Services Minister Responsible for Women's Issues