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Press release, Never forget Aqsa Parvez as another victim of Honor Killing

Writer: arjomandhomaarjomandhoma

Tuesday December 11,2007

Press release, by Homa Arjomand, never forget Aqsa Parvez as another victim of Honor Killing


Attention: Assignment Editor, City Editor, News Editor, World News Editor, and Government/Political Affairs Editor

Aqsa Parvez is another victim of honor killing, She, too has been tried and sentenced to death by her family’s belief, for not honoring the backward culture and traditions which are promoted and guarded by religious movements in particular Islamic movement globally. Amongst all other girls and women who have been victims of honor killing, Aqsa Parvez a sixteen years old, studying in grade 11 at a high school in Mississauga, Ontario as well as Heshu from England, Fadima from Sweden and Hautoon from Germany were also murdered in so called Islamic communities in the Western countries, for not honoring the inhuman tradition, These victims had desire to live in a modern society, and all wished to run their own lifestyle and they were not willing to compromise for less.

The death of Aqsa Parvez at the age of 16 is just a tip of iceberg in Canada where respect of backward cultures and religions comes before women’s and children’s rights, where cultural ghettoes have become an ideal heaven to crush any desire in women. In the case of Aqsa Parvez, a brave girl who put herself at the forefront of the struggle for a well-deserved human life, the Islamic groups that promote Islamic law and Islamic school and are looking for more shares in the power should be held responsible the most. They are the ones who push for enclosed and regressive communities in heart of Canada and have created little Iran, Afghanistan, Somalia, or Pakistan. They are the ones to blame for convincing families and individuals to accept the barbaric rules and regulations, and to not having any mercy for their own children and family members.

This cruelty to our children and women should not be tolerated and must be condemned strongly. Harsh punishment must be considered for those who abuse or victimize children and women under so called Islamic action. The advocates of freedom and secularism should come forward in full force for the principle of the rights of the child. The fact that religion is the private matter of the parents and should not be imposed on the child and infringe on the child’s civil rights is confirmed and established as a social norm.

We need to come forward in full force against any policies that pursuing a cultural and social segregation, against any practice that undermines the right and wellbeing of the child. We need to promote integration. State needs to take an active part in providing intense education to women and children who suffer from abusive relationship especially where enforcement of tradition is involved. A very strong support network is needed for the youth and women who are seeking help from parents and partners; and to prevent honor killing, Canada also needs to stop promoting and funding religious groups.



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