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Parliamentarians must be well aware by now that on Thursday October 28, 2010 a conference under ...

Writer: arjomandhomaarjomandhoma

e Peace - A Global Challenge” will be held by a group called the Ottawa Group of Four.

The conference will take place at the Government Conference Centre across from Parliament Hill, at 6:30-9:30 pm. According to their pamphlet, Zijad Delic, president of the Canadian Islamic Congress will be the moderator. Members of Parliament will recall that the National Defence cancelled an invitation for Delic to speak at their headquarters for an “Islamic Heritage Month” event. The panel for the conference is being chaired by Akbar Manoussi who established a Cultural Centre in Ottawa for the Islamic Republic of Iran. Manoussi has often been rewarded by Iranian officials, including becoming an honorary councilor of the Aras Institute in Iran. It is perplexing to learn that he is on RCMP’s Ottawa diversity committee. The keynote speaker, another contentious figure, is Saeid Amei, from Tehran University.

It is puzzling how this conference could be about peace when the Islamic Regime of Iran is involved and has a significant presence there. We also question why this conference has been promoted within the RCMP by the federal police force’s “ethnic liaison officer”? We understand that a Government sponsor is required in order to use the facilities of the Centre and if this is so, we are concerned that an organization like the Ottawa Group of Four has managed to book the federal Government Conference in Ottawa. The invitation states that “RSVP is required by 25 October 2010, as attendees must be on the security list three days before the event.”

The above issues have us deeply troubled. We believe that political Islam has somehow managed to penetrate through the Canadian system and that the RCMP Community Outreach Program has been maladroitly managed. Instead of concentrating on unpaid volunteer grassroot organizations who work hard for integration, it seems the Outreach Unit of RCMP is giving room to Islamists groups. Some of these organizations have purchased properties worth millions of dollars, with money coming from either Iran or other Islamic regimes. There is no doubt that their members have ties with the Iranian regime and other organized Islamic groups directly or indirectly.

We are all aware that the embassies of the Islamic Republic of Iran are the logistical headquarters for organizing terrorist activities. These activities are done under various banners through a range of organizations, trades centres, Montessori schools and Mosques. One day they maybe holding film & music festivals to promote cultural diversity, but another time they are organizing dinner for an Islamic leader visiting Canada. And now, they are running a Peace Conference with help of RCMP Outreach Unit. One thing needs to be clear flirting with Islamists will not bring any peace to the world but instead will sustain terrorism as a main tool in further deepening the national, ethnic and religious splits, not only in the Middle East but in entire world. The aim of Islamists is to keep alive conflicts for political capital and source for Islamic power. Frankly with the pace that Islamists are expanding, it should not come to our surprise if one day the Islamists control the highest power in the land.

The International Campaign to Close Down Iranian Embassies expects the Prime Minister, and members of Parliament to take this matter very seriously and pay special consideration to Islamists movement at all levels and sub-levels of governments. Bear in mind that the only way peace can be achieved is by defeating the Islamic Regime in Iran. This is a prerequisite for demolishing political Islam as a movement and its desire for political power in the Middle East. It is not too late to break all diplomatic relations with the Islamists, in particular the Iranian Regime and close down the Iranian embassy in Canada.

Canada can be the leading country in this matter. It is also a big step to prevent this regime sustaining terrorism worldwide.


Homa Arjomand, Coordinator of the International Campaign to Closedown Iranian Embassies

Oct. 28, 2010



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