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Once more the attack to women’s right by organized religious group,cults &sects has been defeated

Writer: arjomandhomaarjomandhoma

November 23, 2011 Homa Arjomand November 23, 2011 Once more the attack to women’s right by organized religious group, cults and sects has been defeated On Wednesday November 23, 2011, the British Columbia Supreme Court, Chief justice Bauman ruled in favor of the section of the Criminal Code outlawing polygamous unions. Mr. Bauman is heading the right direction, but we need to aim for amendment of the criminal code with respect to polygamy. To prevent further victimization of women and compromising women’s right for the sake of religious rights, we need to extract not only minors aged 12-18 but also all women who somehow engaged in polygamist relationship. What we the defender of equality between men and women expect the government do in their next step is to amend the act 293 more towards empowering women. Right now, the assumption of this Act is that women and men have gained gender equality in those confinement communities. The assumption is women willingly enter into these relationships. But the reality shows otherwise. The truth is because of the adopted policy of multiculturalism in Canada, sects, and cults as well as organized religious groups were given room to grow. This means under this policy they were given rights to keep and promote their ancient traditions not only at homes and the religious institutes such as chugs and mosques but also the training has become part of school curriculum. Children at these communities are taught ways to become close to the God, one is to give birth to as many as possible. Children are taught to follow the God’s wish and one of those wishes is to stay in polygamous relationship and stay pure. For children attending schools in those confinement communities is not mandatory. Parents are given rights to withdraw their children from school. In Canada Home schooling is a normal practice as result education of children is left on willingness of their parents. It should not come to our surprise, if we witness most of youth girls are taken out of school for the purpose of home schooling. As result children are disconnected from the tiniest link to the broader society. It should not come to our surprised either if we see members of these communities’ despite of over a century being in Canada, never gain this opportunity to integrate and test the fruit of equality between men and women as we are told by a wave of women involved in polygamy fled from Bountiful (BC). But according to criminal act of 293, men and women are equally at fault if they enter the polygamist relationship. What this Act does not recognize is the impact of the policy of multiculturalism on the lives of member of these communities that has created a few so-called leaders or sexual Predator and sexual slaves. Their entire life is around which of their move is considered a sin or what to do to become pure so they can become close to the God. They live the life of so-called home country that does not exist anymore. In their homeland the life has evolved but they froze in that period. And day by day their tie to that ancient tradition grows stronger. The question is how the system of Canada allows to prosecute the oppressors and the victim the same? How could the crime of a child molester and rapist be equivalent to victim of these crimes? That reminds me of Islamic law in Afghanis and Iran where woman who is raped is put in jail for more info read the story of this Afghan woman who is being kept in prison with her child because she was rapped Afghan woman forced to choose between marrying her rapist, or 12 years in jail for adulteryLet’s face it as long as the policy of multiculturalism remain in Canada, there would be no gender equality across the nation therefore to prosecute women and men equally for being in polygamist relationship is mucking the issue of gender equality. Yes, we as promoter of the movement for equality between men and women are very pleased that the British Columbia Supreme Court, Chief justice Bauman ruled in favor of the section of the Criminal Code outlawing polygamous unions. But we are for harsh punishment of all men and all the ones who assist, arrange polygamist marriages not the women as we strongly believe women are the victim of rap and sexual slaves in those communities and have no ability to make a decision in this matter. On Wednesday November 23, 2011, the British Columbia Supreme Court, Chief justice Bauman ruled in favor of the section of the Criminal Code outlawing polygamous unions. Mr. Bauman is heading the right direction, but we need to aim for amendment of the criminal code with respect to polygamy. To prevent further victimization of women and compromising women’s right for the sake of religious rights, we need to extract not only minors aged 12-18 but also all women who somehow engaged in polygamist relationship. What we the defender of equality between men and women expect the government do in their next step is to amend the act 293 more towards empowering women. Right now, the assumption of this Act is that women and men have gained gender equality in those confinement communities. The assumption is women willingly enter into these relationships. But the reality shows otherwise. The truth is because of the adopted policy of multiculturalism in Canada, sects, and cults as well as organized religious groups were given room to grow. This means under this policy they were given rights to keep and promote their ancient traditions not only at homes and the religious institutes such as chugs and mosques but also the training has become part of school curriculum. Children at these communities are taught ways to become close to the God, one is to give birth to as many as possible. Children are taught to follow the God’s wish and one of those wishes is to stay in polygamous relationship and stay pure. For children attending schools in those confinement communities is not mandatory. Parents are given rights to withdraw their children from school. In Canada Home schooling is a normal practice as result education of children is left on willingness of their parents. It should not come to our surprise, if we witness most of youth girls are taken out of school for the purpose of home schooling. As result children are disconnected from the tiniest link to the broader society. It should not come to our surprised either if we see members of these communities’ despite of over a century being in Canada, never gain this opportunity to integrate and test the fruit of equality between men and women as we are told by a wave of women involved in polygamy fled from Bountiful (BC). But according to criminal act of 293, men and women are equally at fault if they enter the polygamist relationship. What this Act does not recognize is the impact of the policy of multiculturalism on the lives of member of these communities that has created a few so-called leaders or sexual Predator and sexual slaves. Their entire life is around which of their move is considered a sin or what to do to become pure so they can become close to the God. They live the life of so-called home country that does not exist anymore. In their homeland the life has evolved but they froze in that period. And day by day their tie to that ancient tradition grows stronger. The question is how the system of Canada allows to prosecute the oppressors and the victim the same? How could the crime of a child molester and rapist be equivalent to victim of these crimes? That reminds me of Islamic law in Afghanis and Iran where woman who is raped is put in jail for more info read the story of this Afghan woman who is being kept in prison with her child because she was rapped Afghan woman forced to choose between marrying her rapist, or 12 years in jail for adulteryLet’s face it as long as the policy of multiculturalism remain in Canada, there would be no gender equality across the nation therefore to prosecute women and men equally for being in polygamist relationship is mucking the issue of gender equality. Yes, we as promoter of the movement for equality between men and women are very pleased that the British Columbia Supreme Court, Chief justice Bauman ruled in favor of the section of the Criminal Code outlawing polygamous unions. But we are for harsh punishment of all men and all the ones who assist, arrange polygamist marriages not the women as we strongly believe women are the victim of rap and sexual slaves in those communities and have no ability to make a decision in this matter.



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