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Letter to Ms. Diane Rhéaume in support of the CTV application

Writer: arjomandhomaarjomandhoma

December 12, 2004

Ms. Diane Rhéaume

Secretary General

Canadian Radio-television

& Telecommunications Commission

Gatineau , Quebec K1A 0N2

Fax: 819-994-0218


Subject: Intervention for CTV Newsnet --- CRTC Application # 2004-0921

Letter to Ms. Diane Rhéaume in support of the CTV application

Dear Ms. Diane Rhéaume,

I am a community activist in Toronto that focuses on ending the use of Sharia law in Ontario. In the past year, I have been interviewed hundreds of times by reporters from TV, radio, newspapers, and magazines. These reporters worked for news agencies from across Canada and the world.

As a result, I have come to appreciate how hard news professionals work at serving the public and the interests of their respective audiences and readers with timely and factual reports.

Freedom of speech is best served by a dynamic and competitive news industry. Inherent with the right to free speech is the public’s right to hear news through the medium they prefer and the news agency of their choice.

As an activist when I issue what I consider to be a newsworthy press statement, I am never certain which editor will assign a journalist to cover our story. Without this news coverage, it would be impossible for us to inform the public of our concerns about specific government policies and to influence the outcome of government decisions.

For this reason I am in favour for greater flexibility to news coverage in Canada. I believe all news editors, the gate keepers of public information, should have the freedom and the equal opportunity to respond to the newsworthy items as they see fit. This freedom will benefit all Canadians and will help to further protect our democracy and human rights.

More freedom of the press assures more choice for the public, and for me and other activists, more opportunities to tell our stories.

I am willing to appear before the CRTC to further explain my support for the CTV application.

Yours truly,

Homa Arjomand

Coordinator of the International Campaign against Sharia Court in Canada

Copy/CC Mr. Robert Hurst President, CTV News

9 Channel Nine Court P.O. Box 9, Station "O" Toronto, ON M1S 4B5



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