Join us to the celebrate
the victory achieved for
"there will be no Shariah law in Ontario. There will be no religious arbitration in Ontario. There will be one law for all Ontarians." Dalton McGuinty September 11, 2005
The International campaign against Sharia court in Canada invites all to this joyful event.
Date: Saturday, September 17, 2005
For a Potluck Dinner
Special Guests, Music, Dance
Our special Guests Michele Vianes President of the Paris-based group Regards de Femmes, is leading the fight against sharia law and political Islam in France. SAlly Armstrong,Human rights activist, documentary filmmaker and award-winning author Sally Armstrong was editor-in-chief of Homemaker's magazine from 1988 to 1999. Address: Cecil Community Centre,58 Cecil St., Toronto Map (1 block south of College St. on the east of Spadina Avenue.) Time: 7:00 PM Admission: $15, or you may donate as you wish All Donations will be gratefully accepted, thank you.
For more information please contact Homa Arjomand