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FATAH: Quebec's Bill 21 on Secularism finds support in Ontario

Writer: arjomandhomaarjomandhoma

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Published Jan 11, 2023 • 4 minute read

The uprising in Iran by women seeking freedom from the enforced Islamic dress code by the Islamic dictatorship of ayatollahs has seen widespread support in Canada and across the world, where Iranian exiles have fled.

Large-scale demonstrations have taken place with tens of thousands of Iranian Canadians, while their allies have marched to denounce the tyranny imposed by the self-appointed ‘Supreme Leader’ and his thugs operating as the IRGC, which is often mistaken as the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, but is the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps

Thus the obligation of the IRGC to implement Sharia Law is not restricted just to Iran but is mandated to enforce such laws in the entire Islamic world, be it Indonesia or Morocco or wherever Muslims live.

This jurisdiction permitted Iranian ayatollahs to call for the assassination of British Indian writer Sir Salman Rushdie and the rape and murder of Canadian photojournalist Zahra Kazemi.

The long reach of Iranian ayatollahs towards Muslim youth was reflected in the latest attack on 75-year-old Rushdie in Western New York, where he was stabbed repeatedly by a 24-year-old Arab American, Hadi Matar, whose mother says he was radicalized during a 2018 trip to the Middle East.

After hearing about the attack on Rushdie, Matar’s mother, Silvana Fardos, disowned her son. Fardos says Matar’s 2018 trip to visit his father in Lebanon changed him from an outgoing, American-raised boy to an angry introvert who criticized her for not raising him to follow Islam.

The story of Matar’s journey toward Islamic extremism is not unique. Our very own Canadian society has produced women such as Oumaima Chouay, 27, who joined ISIS, as well as Kimberly Polman, who was arrested after returning from ISIS-held territories in Syria.

So far, no politician or political party has dared to call for the rooting out from our education system any teaching that leads Muslim youth to take the path of Islamism (i.e.: using Islam as a political tool to whip hatred towards the West.).

However, Iranian-Canadian activist Homa Arjomand, who was instrumental in the campaign to outlaw Sharia Islamic Law from our family courts has now stepped in and taken the lead to make education and other public services in Ontario secular based on the model of the Bill 21 in Quebec.

Last week she arranged for a conference call with like-minded secular Canadians. This happened in the context of a speech by Canadian Islamic Scholar Sheikh Tariq Abdelhaleem who, on Jan. 3, called on all Muslims to learn from the Taliban. He told a crowd of supporters that “Muslims in India are too submissive” and added “there Is no resistance against Hindus.”

While most mainstream or white Canadians remain unaware of how their country is used to inculcate religious bigotry and division among new Canadians arriving from the Islamic world, others like Arjomand recognize the danger and are sounding the alarm.

Arjomand told supposedly secular mainstream Canadians that the answer to the challenges we face in the future lies in Ontario adopting Quebec’s Bill 21 law. She said Ontario needs a replica of the Quebec law that protects the rights of all residents in the province and promotes integration by requiring children to attend non-religious schools.

She argued that the law supports women’s equality and prevents religion from being imposed on women and youth. As a result of such a law, the concept of arranged marriages and honour killing will decline.

Arjomand believes Bill 21 prevents religion from becoming a political movement. She has drafted a statement in support of Bill 21 and recommends the Ontario government adopt a similar law. The statement argues that Bill 21 promotes religious neutrality and aligns with Canada’s constitution.

Such a law will lead to integration, she insists. “Because of this act, all parents will have to send their children to non-religious schools as there will be no religious schools. Children will have a chance to grow with more scientific reasoning than their past generation.” She added that children would thrive in a non-dogmatic atmosphere, at least at schools.

She told me with deep concern in her voice: “Honestly, It will free children from imposed religions by parents as well as religious schools simply because the parents will be forced to adopt the law of the land, thus ending dependence on rules and regulations of religion that belong to a period 1,400 years ago.

Arjomand did not find support among the mainstream secular groups she had invited, but one must give her credit for triggering a much-needed debate on where we would like to see Canada in the coming decades.

She told me, “As a person who came from the Islamic State of Iran and witnessed interference of religion in private matters of individuals from their bedroom to what to wear, eat, talk and behave, I strongly believe an Ontario version of Bill 21 will support women to gain their equality in the family.”

Good luck Homa Arjomand. Your concern for the good of Canada may not get you the laurels you deserve, but your work will not go in vain.



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