Speech of Homa Arjomand “Never Forget Hatun! Campaign against Honour Killing” -Conference Colgn
Speech of Ayaan Hirsi Ali “Never Forget Hatun! Campaign against Honour -Conference Colgn
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ontario passes new lawfamily legal arbitrations must now use Canadian law
Globalization of Political Islam and women’s rights
Speech by Homa Arjomand at Queen’s ParkToronto, With respect to Bill 27
White Carnations Festival -In Commemoration of Fadime Shahindal, Victim of Honour killings
تا آنجایی كه به گروههای تروریست اسلامی برمیگردد ما نیز هیچ گذشتی را در قبال آنان مجاز نمیدانیم.
Notre femme de l’année – Homa Arjomand
هما ارجمند بعنوان زن انساندوست سال توسط انجمن انساندوستی آانادا۔ تورنتو انتخاب شد!
Homa Arjomand has been awarded as Toronto Humanist of the year
Speech at Panel Discussion at the University of Toronto- Faculty of Law
انعكاس سفر هما ارجمند به فرانسه در رسانه ها
LYON-Sabiha Ahmine, Deputy Mayor,Delegate for Integration/Citizens' Rights,received Homa Arjomand
Sharia Law and globalization of political Islam, Speech in Paris
Speech of Homa Arjomand in Paris October 24, 2005
Activists Savor Anti-Sharia Victory in Ontario
Join us to the celebrate the victory achieved for"there will be no Shariah law in Ontario.
Columbia Tribune-Faith tribunal ban angers Canadians
Speech at Ontario Coalition of Rape Crisis Centres (Take Back the Night)
Interview by OMNI TV